広告のない有料版は出ないものかと常々思っていたところにこのリリース、迷わず買いました。なかなか味わいのあるイラスト(ただし音声と同様オフライン利用不可)も含むプレミアムコンテンツ付きでこのお値段は、常用している方なら十分過ぎるほどお買い得だと思います。 なお、プレミアムコンテンツダウンロード後、アプリケーション全体のサイズは200M超になりました。空き容量が気になる方は注意したほうがいいかもしれません。
広告のない有料版は出ないものかと常々思っていたところにこのリリース、迷わず買いました。なかなか味わいのあるイラスト(ただし音声と同様オフライン利用不可)も含むプレミアムコンテンツ付きでこのお値段は、常用している方なら十分過ぎるほどお買い得だと思います。 なお、プレミアムコンテンツダウンロード後、アプリケーション全体のサイズは200M超になりました。空き容量が気になる方は注意したほうがいいかもしれません。
英英辞典と類語辞典がセットになっているアプリです。 英英辞典は今一歩です。項目内でのスキップができないため、複数種類の品詞をもつ単語を検索する際に、たくさんスワイプして語義を探さなければなりません。 しかし、このアプリは類語辞典の機能だけを使う分には申し分ないです。英語の類語辞典を探している方に特にオススメです。
This app was totally worth the money I can find words faster than reading a paperback dictionary.
Tried to look up ossature, and no results were found. Better to simply do a word search online. Disappointing dictionary.
The app continues to crash when trying to save a word for later. It’s been like this for months and there hasn’t been a fix. Please fix!!
As a writer I keep this app on the front page of my iPhone and iPad, and utilize it regularly. I find the thesaurus especially helpful.
I use the M-W Dictionary on a daily basis. I love learning something new and I love to challenge myself with the various games available. I’ve had no issues with crashes or glitches. I highly recommend it!
The quality of life improvements are welcome, as the user experience has improved in almost every conceivable way in recent years. M-W’s form and function remain first in class, but many users would still like to see suggestions listed for misspellings, all too common on cramped virtual keyboards. Having to use fine scrolling or backspacing to the erroneous character has always felt tedious, even onerous. Another long-standing request: LANDSCAPE SUPPORT. Many users are sick of being torn from landscape to portrait mode when multitasking. Minus two stars initially, then three, which feels generous because the devs are not listening. Minus another star for literally constant crashes that prevent me from even launching the app.
Thanks for having fixed the widget white border issue in the latest release!
This was a great app until I experienced frequent crashes. Can this issue be resolved quickly?
Best online dictionary. Easy to navigate. Word of Day, Word Games, and Saved Words all excellent.
This app is top notch. It works well and has Merriam-Webster’s high-quality content along with great features like recorded pronunciations. You pay once and download it for offline access. There are no ads or distractions. The app design is great. I can’t recommend this app highly enough.
The Merriam-Webster dictionary is a must have. It’s on my primary home page for quick access. Great UI… dictionary and thesaurus as well have relied on for so long from Merriam-Webster. And they have fun and exciting vocabulary games. Also check them out on YouTube, for videos explaining our wonderful language. Thank you, Merriam-Webster team!
Failure to grow your vocabulary is quite a shame! This app is an amazing and fun tool to replace writing unknown words on an index card tucked into my book. The games are also great!
It’ll tell you the meaning of “IMO” but chokes at “exeat”. As common with dictionaries, it has the bad habit of also defining words using that word or word root in its definition. For instance, if exeat was actually in the vocabulary, it would define “exeats” as “plural form of ‘exeat. ‘“
I really like having a dictionary at my fingertips. Also, so enjoyable to have Siri prompt me to go to the word of the day. The microphone allows you to speak the word if you’re stumped on the spelling. I have been on occasion.
I like this dictionary app, but I need macOS version of this Merriam-Webster’s dictionary app. Let’s make it, Merriam-Webster’s developer.
I be loving this app. Third review: The word game referred to what is the name of a holy government Hagirachy (sp?) but it was not in dictionary. Great app. Glad there you are out there
I really like how responsive the search is.
I love that this app gives me a simple, straightforward way to quickly look up a new word when I’m reading, browse through synonyms when I’m writing, or get a quick etymology when I’m curious about a word’s roots. And it’s all in one app!
Mind expanding!
One of the best App purchases I’ve made! A great reference tool to look up word definitions and proper use, and to hear the word pronunciation. An invaluable tool. Well worth purchasing the ad-free version, too!
I’m a huge researcher of everything and frequently come across words that I don’t know or I’m not sure of the meaning. This handles all my phone needs. Some aspects I don’t care for or want so I ignore them. Would prefer settings to remove them from sight.
This is a Webster house!
UX very nice. Word of the day is a lot of fun and informative.
Absolutely helpful and well written.
It’s SO EASY to USE, and: provides • provides the form of the word. • provides most meaning(s) of each word & how to use the word in a sentence. • provides a very clear pronounciation of each word with the touch of a button. • breaks down the origins & meanings of words, by providing the word’s language of origin & its original meaning in that language. • allows you to easily toggle between the page of the word you looked up & the page(s) of the word(s) of origin. • provides fun & educational challenges for you to: 1. test your ability to identify correctly spelled words. 2. test your knowledge of the meaning(s) of words. 3. test your ability to correctly use words in a sentence. • offers a subscription for a nominal charge to expand your challenges, expand your challenges (plus…).
This app has helped me develop my vocabulary skills and it feels easier to read more books!
This app is handy, and I enjoy the puzzles. And I have learned a lot from it.
I use this every day!
To quickly check a definition or grab a thesaurus word. Wish it had etymologies for the root of the word as well.
The widget, which I love, has these thick borders around it, which is really unappealing. It didn’t used to have this! Please fix this, thanks!
Please fix the widget.
Functionality and utility is fantastic, but I’m glad to see that others are experiencing the same thing I am with regard to the widget. All of a sudden it has an ugly black border around the edges. Thought this was a bug at first. Maybe it wasn’t intentional? Anyhow, it needs to be fixed. PLEASE.
Merriam-Webster was the first app I ever purchased. That was many years ago and it is my most frequently used. From looking up unfamiliar words to vocal pronunciation of a word to games. Interestingly I don’t play any other games on my phone, just the Merriam-Webster games that are part of the app.
I’ve used a paper dictionary for for most of my whole life Because my mother told me to “look it up in the dictionary“ by age 8. Then I switched to this app years ago and have never regretted it. It gives you everything you want and need and more
ios word of the day widget is now an ugly blue square in frame & doesnt cover the whole thing! please fix!
I have been a reader of Merriam-Webster dictionaries dating all the way back to before there was an Internet. My belief has always been that their definitions are the gold standard, and I have proven this to myself countless times. My sources of reference now include m-w.com and the phone app, Chicago and AP manuals of style, Grammarly, etymonline.com, and both Wikipedia and Britannica. In my own writing when I want to cite a definition it's almost always Merriam-Webster. Thank you for all the words you've taught me. I am, and shall be, a lifelong fan.
This app site has great explanations to the word your looking for. It doesn’t need to load very long, and the it has many settings to help your daily life. It might not include a couple of words, but still, this website is fantastic.
This is one of the worst dictionaries I have ever bought. I do not know if they deliberately remove the definition of words such as magnicide, neoliberalism, among others.
After update the widget not showing perfectly, with the system default frame, instead of like the earlier version complete frame as consistent color.
Latest update on 7/12/24 has the widget with square borders in the round rectangle. Pretty ugly if you ask me.
I really love this app, and all it’s functionality! The new widget design however is so bad it makes me want to remove it from my Home Screen, please change it back to the old design, or at least give us the option to choose the old design. Thanks
Easy to use and the quiz is fun.
This was my go to dictionary. I signed up for the ad free version, and after the latest renewal I started getting ads. What gives? Worse, some of these appear to be scam type ads.
I just now bought this premium “ad-free” app and after creating a user account and logging in to merriam-webster.com the first thing I see is an ad at the bottom. The app itself has no ads, but when a third-party link takes me to the web site instead of the app you should be clever enough see that I’m logged in and not burden me with ads.